What to do when I can't download a journal

What to do when I can't download a journal
What do I do when I can't download a journal that appears on research gate?


If you do not get a full text available or download option to download an article on Research gate you have the following options:

  1. Go to Google Scholar and copy the title of your article in the search box to double check if a full text link to the article is available. 
  2.  Send an email to your faculty librarian to check if CPUT subscribe to the specific journal and will be able to provide you with full text access to the article. You are also welcome to send me an email at arendsej@cput.ac.za  to check. If the journal is not available in our collection. CPUT libraries can place an interlibrary loans (ILL) request  for the full text of the article from another holding library. Please email your faculty librarian or me the details of the article that you are looking for and your student number to submit the ILL request on your behalf. You also have the option to submit the ILL request form with the details of the article yourself on the library's website. Go to https://www.cput.ac.za/lib/find/forms/inter-library-loans and complete the required fields with your details. The Library will send you an email with the requested full text article.
  3. Contact the author of the article to request the full text of the article directly from the author. The contact details of the author is normally on the research gate profile information of the author. You can also Google the researchers contact details.

  • Last Updated Jun 15, 2023
  • Views 44
  • Answered By Joanne Arendse

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